10, Force & thrust


As promised we’re using our tried and tested vinegar and baking soda combination to make a rocket that gives a satisfactory result with little effort.


  • plastic 16 oz or 500ml. bottles
  • rubber stopper (must fit the mouth of the bottle)
  • scissors
  • vinegar
  • 1 box of baking soda
  • masking tape
  • 3 barbecue (skewers) sticks or sticks of similar and equal length
  • paper towel
  • Tablespoon
  • safety goggles.

Optional ingredients:

  • construction paper
  • coloured markers


Use the scissors and carefully cut some tape, about 30cm or 1 foot long.

Use the tape to attach the 3 sticks around the plastic bottle to form the legs of a tripod. Make sure they evenly spaced from each other and of the same height. You know you did it right if you set the bottle down on the sticks, the bottle stands straight up on its legs.

You can optionally wrap the rocket in paper and decorate it with coloured markers. You may attach a cone on top with tape. Beware that this cone will likely get destroyed.

Put on your safety goggles. Take a small piece of the paper towel and peel it down to one thin layer. Place one tablespoon of baking soda on the paper towel and wrap it so that none spills. Set it aside for now.

Fill the plastic bottle half way through with vinegar and hold it steady with one hand.

Be very quick with these next two steps and do this in an open area, not inside, where you will not hit people or their property.

Get the paper towel with the baking soda and stuff it inside the plastic bottle. Lightly cover the mouth of the bottle with the rubber stopper.

Give the bottle a couple of hard shakes, then place it on its legs. Take a few steps back for safety, and watch the rocket go!

What is happening?

As we know from our volcano, mixing the baking soda together with vinegar causes a reaction that releases carbon dioxide. Because so much gas is created in a tiny space, the resulting pressure blows the lid off and propels the rocket straight into the air.

You can experiment with different amounts of baking soda and vinegar, but always remember to wear safety goggles and to do this activity in a safe area where you won't hit anyone.

Use a small bottle and work out what amount of vinegar gives the best result, you may be surprised.


The best result comes when the bottle is about half filled with vinegar. This is because, it is the act of ejecting the vinegar that provides the thrust for the rocket. If there is too much vinegar, then it is ejected too slowly. If there is too little then there isn't enough mass in the propellant and you get little thrust.

Extra Credit

Find out how other rockets work.

There are many simple ingredients that, when mixed together, can produce thrust. What are some of them?